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EP Consultation, remote working and Covid-19

The wonderings of two second year trainees about how to adapt and use consultation during Covid-19 when working with people…

Updated: Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for children, families and professionals

30 April 2020 by , 16 comments

There is lots of information across the internet about how to talk to or support children and young people who…

Research: Impact of COVID19 on education sector

14 April 2020 by , 1 comment

South Tyneside Educational Psychology Service is conducting research seeking to explore and understand the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic is…

Rainbows, resilience and Coronavirus

30 March 2020 by , 3 comments

Like many across the world, my family has been learning to cope with the impact of Covid-19 and social distancing….

Longer read: Holistic circles – a visual representation of a child’s strengths and needs

10 March 2020 by , 3 comments

Writing EHC assessments tends to be linear and for me there is a frustration in ‘chopping up’ a person in…

Children’s friendships problems and bullying

19 January 2020 by

Friends are important. From a very early age, children show an interest in each other as a source of fun…

10 tips for blog writing: a short guide for EPs

15 December 2019 by

Before you start writing 1: Know your audience Knowing who you’re writing for before you start writing is key. This…

‘Interweaving MATs’ – EP work across schools in a multi-academy trust

2 December 2019 by and , 1 comment

This short article reflects our journey, as EP and MAT Strategic Inclusion Lead, in seeking ways to work successfully, efficiently…

Longer read: Supported employment programmes for young adults with learning disabilities

30 October 2019 by

There are 1.4 million people in the UK classified as having a learning disability but according to recent estimates, just…

A day in the life of an EP: perspectives from Twitter

17 October 2019 by , 2 comments

The role of the Educational Psychologist (EP) has been long discussed in academic and practice literature. For example, five key functions…