Ian: a short film about inclusion
“Ian” is a short, animated film based on the life and experiences of nine year old Ian from Argentina. The…
“Ian” is a short, animated film based on the life and experiences of nine year old Ian from Argentina. The…
Resources: The Sensory Profile
I find the Dunn Sensory Profile a useful tool in relation to explaining some behaviours and use it as a…
I find the Dunn Sensory Profile a useful tool in relation to explaining some behaviours and use it as a…
VIG: an animation
This short animated film about Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) was commissioned by Cornwall Council and made by two talented 2nd…
This short animated film about Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) was commissioned by Cornwall Council and made by two talented 2nd…
EPs and INSETs: a reflection on practice for in-service teacher training.
Throughout my training I have had placements across three Educational Psychology Services (EPS’) and recently I’ve been thinking about the…
Throughout my training I have had placements across three Educational Psychology Services (EPS’) and recently I’ve been thinking about the…
Books for an Alternative Provision Library
A recent thread on EPNET sought suggestions for a school library to support pupils attending Alternative Provision Schools (AP/APS). We’ve…
A recent thread on EPNET sought suggestions for a school library to support pupils attending Alternative Provision Schools (AP/APS). We’ve…
Your feedback, our responses
Recently we asked you to comment on edpsy – your loves, niggles and suggestions for improvement – 86 of you…
Recently we asked you to comment on edpsy – your loves, niggles and suggestions for improvement – 86 of you…
Making edpsy better for you
It’s been nearly two years since the launch of edpsy and we’ve been overwhelmed by the positive welcome and feedback…
It’s been nearly two years since the launch of edpsy and we’ve been overwhelmed by the positive welcome and feedback…
Needs and priorities of UK Care leavers: illustrating the findings…
Browsing twitter recently, we came across this graphic. Illustrating the findings from Rebekah Hyde’s trainee doctoral dissertation, it really grabbed…
Browsing twitter recently, we came across this graphic. Illustrating the findings from Rebekah Hyde’s trainee doctoral dissertation, it really grabbed…
Reflections of working with a graphic artist to disseminate my research
As a trainee EP on the Manchester doctorate course, we’re encouraged from the outset to grapple with the practice implications…
As a trainee EP on the Manchester doctorate course, we’re encouraged from the outset to grapple with the practice implications…
Developing Motivational Interviewing use amongst UK EPs
On the Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology programme at the University of Manchester, we have recently received some impact…
On the Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology programme at the University of Manchester, we have recently received some impact…