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Psychologists and other allied professionals often want to increase the visibility and impact of their work, knowledge and research. Boost is our way of supporting these aspirations. Through training and consultancy we aim to help you and your teams develop the skills to enhance your profile, influence and real-world impact.

Communicating work effectively: developing a strategy

This in-depth workshop gives you the insight and skills to begin to communicate with a range of audiences, more strategically. This workshop will ensure you are able to integrate communications and dissemination thinking and planning throughout your work, enhancing your profile and impact.

Influencing policy: introduction for psychologists

Psychologists often want to be able to use their skills, knowledge and experience to influence policy. This introductory workshop will give you the knowledge and skills to be able to begin working to influence policy in your area of interest. You’ll leave with concrete tools and a plan of action.

Making psychology accessible on the web

Psychologists and other helping professionals are creating more content for the web than ever before, but very few have specific training about accessibility requirements. Accessibility on the web is about inclusion and this session will give you the knowledge and skills to create useful content for all.

Introduction to public engagement

Public engagement is about ensuring your work has real-world impact by working inclusively with communities and important stakeholders. This workshop will increase your understanding and confidence in public engagement and you’ll leave with the skills to develop an engagement plan relevant to your piece of work.

Need something bespoke?

That’s absolutely fine. If you need support that doesn’t seem to easily fit in to one of the training packages above, drop us a line and we can meet to discuss your requirements and develop somethings that’s right for you and your team.

Your trainer: Dr Dan O’Hare

Dan is an educational psychologist and the founder and director of edpsy. He has always had a key focus on how to disseminate the work of psychologists to a larger audience. He has led the edpsy team in creating a platform that disseminates psychologists’ work to over 190 countries.

Dan has previously been the communications lead and then co-chair of a professional body, revolutionising the way the professional body communicated with its members (2018-2022).

He has worked closely with the British Psychological Society on a number of campaigns including ‘Time to Play’.

Before becoming an EP he worked in sales and then marketing for some of the biggest tech brands in the world, always with a focus on customer needs.

Dan is a skilled communicator and has extensive media and policy experience. He has worked with MPs, policy advisors and research teams, bringing an applied psychological perspective to various projects.