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Posts by James Redburn

James is a newly qualified Educational Psychologist working in London. His research interests include CBT, metacognition, and disproportionality. He posts on Twitter as @JamesRedburn1.

Fundraising to support Gaza’s children and families

The current situation in Gaza, for children and families, is disastrous. They need life-saving support. From today we are launching…

Longer read: CBT workbooks: more than just manuals?

22 January 2023 by

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is the most intensively researched mental health intervention. A meta-review identified 494 reviews, representing over 220,000 participants,…

Longer read: Disproportionality in SEN referrals: why so many boys?

7 September 2021 by

It seems like one of those statements that has been said so many times and is so widely accepted that…