Educational psychology training open events – UK wide

This page has information about the dates, times and additional details for Doctoral EP training course open events across the UK. The page will be updated as more information becomes available i.e. online registration links.
Use the links to jump to:
University of Birmingham
7th October, 6-8pm, remote
Register your interest online for the virtual open evening.
University of Bristol
3rd November, 6-8pm
Physical event on Bristol Campus, Clifton
Send an email to book a place on this open evening (Venue and other details shared once booking complete)
University of Exeter
9th October, Morning session
Email the team for further information and to register your interest
Institute of Education
11th November, 6-7pm
Book a place for this virtual open event
University of Manchester
10th October, 12.30-1.30pm and 6-7pm
Booking information to follow – check the programme website.
Newcastle University
23rd October, 11am-1.30pm
Boiler House, University Campus
To book your place email Frances Cook
University of Nottingham
2nd October, 9.45-12.30pm, remote
Book a place for the virtual open morning
University of Sheffield
1st October, 6-7.30pm, remote
Online registration for the virtual Sheffield open event
University of Southampton
23rd September, 4-6pm, remote
Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust
14th October, 6-8pm, remote
Register for the virtual event
4th November, 5.30-7.30pm, remote
Register for the November virtual event
In addition to the open evening on Thursday 14th of October, the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust are hosting this November online event for people who are currently under-represented in Educational Psychology.
University College London (UCL)
Extensive information available on UCL course website
The team are also happy to answer any queries by email
University of East London (UEL)
7th October, 6-8pm, remote
Book a place on the virtual UEL information evening.
University of East Anglia (UEA)
14th September, 6-7pm
To register, email the team
Northern Ireland
Queen’s University Belfast
29th November, 3.30pm
Booking information to follow.
University of Dundee
Cardiff University
14th October, 4.45-6pm – Register for this virtual open event
21st October, 4.45-6pm
Contact the programme administrator for further details.
good afternoon,
I work as an EP for a Local Authority in the South East of England. As a Local Authority in the past i.e. pre-Covid we regularly put on open evening, open day events for psychology graduates who are interested in joining the profession and want further information regarding the process.
we are planning a live event which we want to advertise on different blogs. i just wondered if it might be possible to advertise our event on your blog.
Hi Jennifer,
Yes that is totally fine – please use our events calendar to add any events.
Thanks 🙂