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Sharing creative ways to work remotely as EPs

Yellow, orange and grey paints splatters on green wall

We’d love for the EP community to share fantastic ideas on how you’re working creatively, remotely.

We know there’s been some discussion about this recently on professional forums, and our hope is that the Padlet below can be a good reference point for the excellent ideas about creative remote working.

Using the padlet (it’s really easy don’t worry)

  1. Click the big pink button in the bottom right corner to add your own idea
  2. Click the heart underneath an idea if you really like it
  3. Click the speech bubble underneath an idea if you want to comment on it
  4. Scroll up and down the Padlet to see all the ideas

The Padlet is anonymous by default, but feel free to add your name/service at the end of your creative idea.

So, have a browse, add your ideas, heart the ones you like and we hope it’s useful.

Will and Dan

Made with Padlet

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