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Mediated learning: video series

The videos below were created during the COVID-19 pandemic when many families were grappling with home schooling.

They were created by various members of the MeLSA team with the aim of sharing pertinent content to all in an accessible media form. The following videos revisit or extend content within the MeLSA training and you can also read about our MeLSA journey from conception to implementation.

Cognitive Load

Key message: If a skill was previously there, it’s unlikely it has been lost. More likely the cognitive load needs to be addressed to ensure the skill can be seen.

The mental number line

Key message: Developing a mental number line is really important for learning numeracy and this can be supported by playing counting on games.

Reading together

Key message: Adults reading with and to a child is important for reading and comprehension skills.

Tomato learning

Key message: Setting small goals to achieve in 25 (or smaller) minutes of working, then taking a 5 minute break, can increase productivity.

Is my child having too much screen time?

Key message: The amount of screen time is less important. Important to notice the purpose of screen time, the overall balance of daily activities and ensure sleep hygiene prioritised too.

How to support your child in asking for help

Key message: Learners can need help identifying when they need help and then how to ask for help.

Watch this video on the Southend EP Reachout YouTube channel.

Read more about the journey the team took to creating the MeLSA intervention.

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