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A fundraising prize draw for Refugee Education UK

11 December 2023 by
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We’re teaming up with Dr David Lamb from WOWW Psychology for a fundraising prize draw.

The prize draw

To support our fundraising, David is offering two free tickets to his training on 8th February, ‘How to motivate children to enjoy reading using Self-Determination Theory‘.

Any donations received between now and the end of January will automatically be entered in to our prize draw, and two people will be chosen at random to receive a free ticket.

What you have to do to enter

  1. Donate to our fundraiser
  2. Take a screen shot of your donation confirmation
  3. Send that screenshot to us – you can email us, give us a message on twitter, or direct message us of Facebook.

That’s it! We’ll keep a record and then randomly draw two names at the end of January.

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