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Spreading PositiviTEA in the EP community

PositiviTEA is a free online group for the EP community, which offers space to connect, engage in friendly conversation, and share interesting ideas from positive psychology.

The idea of combining a tea break with positive psychology inspired our name ‘PositiviTEA’ – and we all know that you can’t pour from an empty cup.  

Co-hosts, Max Caine and Fi Coley, take turns to share ideas from positive psychology, followed by opportunity to chat, connect and reflect in small group breakout rooms. Attending PositiviTEA can both fill your cup and count as CPD; ‘discussions with colleagues’ and ‘reflective practice’ are absolutely valid HCPC CPD activities. 

We started this group to promote engagement and connection 

Max and Fi share a passion for supporting the EP community to flourish, find purpose and feel fulfilled. They share values about learning, hope and positivity.  

With the changing landscape of the EP profession (Atfield, Baldauf & Owen, 2023), as well as working in a post-covid world and increased online working, there are many reasons why EPs may feel lonely, isolated and/or disillusioned.  

We set up PositiviTEA sessions to help the EP community to feel engaged, connected and uplifted.  

What are PositiviTEA sessions like? 

Our previous themes have included: gratitude, goal setting, circles of control (Covey, 1989), compassion satisfaction, flow (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990) and self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Most recently, Max introduced the idea of ‘glimmers’. Popularised by Deb Dana, glimmers are micro-moments of happiness or signs of hope.  

We have shaped the format over time by listening to attendee feedback. EPs love the mixture of:

  • speed connections (4 minutes in paired breakout rooms, for two rounds)
  • brief positive psychology input (10-15 minutes)
  • followed by informal breakout rooms with 3-4 people for deeper discussions (20 minutes). 

Who is it for?  

PositiviTEA sessions are open to qualified EPs (working in all and any contexts), Trainee EPs and Assistant EPs. 

The impact of PositiviTEA

We have been blown away by the enthusiastic response to PositiviTEA sessions. So far, 489 places have been booked across seven PositiviTEA sessions since August 2023.  

Attendees have reported feeling: motivated, energised, curious, uplifted, connected, buzzing, safe, positive and hopeful.

Here’s what people are saying:  

  • “PositiviTEA came at the right time for me with feeling a bit flat at the end of the year.”  
  • “I‘m really glad that I prioritised it today.” 
  • “Talking about glimmers has been a glimmer in itself.”  
  • “The time just flew by – a good indication of enjoyment!”  
  • “A space like this is invaluable.”  

How to get involved

Our free online PositiviTEA sessions are half termly on Fridays at 1-2pm. You can book your space via Eventbrite

Our next dates are:  

  • Friday 13th September 2024 (only for attendees of our Positive Psychology Conference)  
  • Friday 18th October 2024  
  • Friday 29th November 2024. 

See you there! Please feel free to share with others and help spread PositiviTEA!  


Atfield, G., Baldauf, B., Owen, D., Davey, C., & Monk, L. (2023). Educational psychology services: workforce insights and school perspectives on impact. Department for Education.  

Covey, S. R. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Free Press. 

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper & Row. 

Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68–78. 

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