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EP training in Scotland

What’s involved

Training to be an EP in Scotland is a three year commitment and happens in two stages.

Years 1 and 2 (stage 1)

Stage 1 is a two year full time MSc in Educational Psychology. During the two year course you’ll experience a mix of teaching, seminars and psychology service placements that pull together theory and practice. Once trainees have completed stage 1, they are eligible to progress to stage 2.

Year 3 (stage 2)

Stage 2 is a one year supervised probationary period. EPs will be supervised by a Chartered Psychologist with full membership of the Scottish Division of Educational Psychology.  At the end of this time, if successful, trainees will be awarded the Qualification in Educational Psychology (Scotland) (stage 2).

There is a substantial amount of reading for prospective Scottish EP candidates.

What you need to get on a course

To apply for an EP training course, you need to have one of the following:

  • A psychology degree (a 1st or 2:1)
  • A conversion course
  • A psychology based Masters degree (necessary if your honours degree in psychology was a 2:2)

The important thing is that your previous Degree or Masters qualification needs to provide Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership to the British Psychological Society.

You’ll also need to provide evidence of experience working with children, young people (aged 0-24) and/or families in:

  • Education (e.g. school, college)
  • Health (e.g. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
  • Care (e.g. Children’s social work)
  • Community settings (e.g. Children’s centres)

You should have at least two years relevant experience when you apply. Relevant paid, voluntary, full-time or part-time work can be taken in to account.

It will be important to demonstrate how you have applied psychology to real world issues in order to improve outcomes for children and their families.


We understand that The Scottish Government and Scottish local authorities have agreed a partnership funding approach which will mean that educational psychology trainees will receive a grant which will cover training fees and living costs for the 3 year period to complete the 2 stages of training.

Living costs are are funded through a £15,000 bursary for each year of training although it should be noted that this will be subject to tax in the third year when you are no longer a university student.

As in England, the grant has conditions including a requirement to practice for a minimum of a two year period as an educational psychologist in Scotland, post qualification.

Currently, in addition to Scottish residents, students from the rest of the UK and from the EU will be entitled to grant funding providing they agree to the conditions of the funding. However, following the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union, funding for EU applicants is likely to cease as of session 2021-2022.

Where training happens

There is 1 university in Scotland that trains EPs: