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Improving access, treatment and support for people with a diagnosis of Personality Disorder



Cost plus VAT.

This conference focuses on improving access, treatment and support for people living with a diagnosis of Personality Disorder.
This conference will enable you to:
• Network with colleagues who are working to improve access and treatment for people living with a diagnosis of personality disorder
• Reflect on the lived experience of someone with a diagnosis of personality disorder
• Explore how Covid-19 has impacted on people with a diagnosis of personality disorder and how we can better support people during and beyond the pandemic
• Learn from outstanding practice in early intervention
• Ensure equity of access and improve support for people from diverse communities
• Discuss the use of terminology and stigma associated with this diagnosis and how we can change attitudes and culture
• Understand how to deliver an effective PD Treatment Pathway including treatment models and therapeutic interventions

Follow this conference on Twitter @HCUK_Clare #PersonalityDisorder2023

There is a 20% discount with code hcuk20edpsy


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