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The Brain / Blame Dichotomy: Narratives and responses to children’s behaviours

January 29 - 15:45 to 16:45


As part of our Big Feelings. Big Behaviours. series, Dr Frances Willis gives an EPs perspective on behaviour and consequence systems with her previously sold out event.

Using her reflections on a case study of schools seeking EP advice and support to reduce exclusions and improve engagement, Frances welcomes you to consider the following with her:

  • Who do typical behaviour systems not work for?
  • What are the assumptions and narratives around young people made by behaviour systems?
  • What does behaviour communicate?
  • What are the implications of an inflexible behaviour system?
  • How do ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) and home lives relate to success in behaviour systems?
  • Why ‘differentiation’ is not a dirty word in behaviour systems

Frances’ key reflections on this event considered that with differentiation we make the big distinction between treating everyone exactly the same or treating them fairly, according to what they need as a person so they that they can be successful.

Book tickets here

Here’s some of the thoughts from previous attendees at this event:

“It’s making people think about how to change the culture around chosen behaviour.”

“It allows students to falling under the radar to meet the school’s requirements for participation.”

“Great presentation!”


United Kingdom


Applied Psychologies

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