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Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC V): getting started

16/05/2018 - 09:00 to 17/05/2018 - 17:00


This 2 day intensive workshop will introduce participants to the administration, scoring & interpretation of the most commonly used intelligence test in the world, the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5th Edition (WISC V). The course will walk through concepts such as intelligence and how theory has shaped the development of the WISC V. Participants will have an opportunity to observe WISC V administrations and have time to practice their own skills with colleagues. Attention to scoring, common mistakes and problems will be addressed as well as using the WISC V with diverse populations (e.g. disabilities, bilingual, brain trauma etc.). Basic interpretation of the WISC V will be covered on the second day through the examination of case studies.

Learning outcomes
1. Familiarity with WISC-V administration
2. Familiarity with WISC V intelligence domains
3. Awareness of differences from WISC-IV
4. Familiarity with WISC V scoring and computer scoring (computer scorer provided during course)
5. Awareness of limitations of WISC V and it’s interpretation

Course tutors
Trevor James (Clin Psy); Dr. Kate James (Ed Psy), Rebecca Good (Ed Psy)

Who is this course for:
Individuals with a post graduate qualification in psychology or those currently enrolled in a course which leads to a postgraduate qualification in psychology.


All learning standards in this course have been approved by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) and participants can avail of 8 CPD points.

Standard Pricing = €575 per attendee

Lunch, refreshments, handouts, and CD of WISC V resources provided.


16/05/2018 - 09:00
17/05/2018 - 17:00
Event Category:
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Psychological Society of Ireland
Dublin, Ireland
+353 14992217

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