Interest groups
You’ll find a list of special interest groups here, but you can also tell us about an interest group that you think EPs should know about.
Black and Ethnic Minority Educational Psychology (BEEP) Network
Children in Care, Adopted & Otherwise Permanently Placed (EP-CCAPP) – London
Climate Crisis, Ecological Emergency and Educational Psychology
Coaching and coaching psychology
Community educational psychology
Critical educational psychology network – South East
Dynamic assessment
Early years
Educational Psychology Digital Innovation (EPDI)
Educational Psychology and youth offending
Educational Psychologists’ “Race” and Culture Forum (EPRCF)
Emotion Coaching UK regional interest groups
Grid Elaboration Method Special Interest Group
Homelessness and Educational Psychology
Manchester motivational interviewing network
Midlands dynamic assessment interest group
Post-16 working
The Power Threat Meaning Framework: interest group for EPs and education professionals
Private educational psychologists in Northern Ireland: connect and chat
EP Research club and group coaching