Longer read: Growth mind-set interventions and approaches – are they worth the effort?

23 May 2023 by

In this article I present a very brief overview of growth and fixed mind-sets, the conflicting evidence around them and…

Longer read: CBT workbooks: more than just manuals?

22 January 2023 by

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is the most intensively researched mental health intervention. A meta-review identified 494 reviews, representing over 220,000 participants,…

Bringing research evidence to schools

7 November 2022 by

As Educational Psychologists (EPs) we are used to reading and digesting research on an almost daily basis. But my experience…

Continuing to use a data & trauma-informed approach to supporting learners in a post-COVID world

1 November 2021 by and , 1 comment

We wrote here last year about the authority-wide mental health and wellbeing survey we had undertaken which allowed us to…

EPs and INSETs: a reflection on practice for in-service teacher training.

18 September 2018 by , 1 comment

Throughout my training I have had placements across three Educational Psychology Services (EPS’) and recently I’ve been thinking about the…

DECP Annual Conference 2017: Challenging Beliefs and Exposing Myths

17 November 2016 by

At the moment, the world is a uniquely challenging place for children and young people to grow up in and…

Coaching psychology and the role of the Educational Psychologist

27 August 2016 by , 6 comments

As a distinct sub-discipline of academic and applied psychology, coaching psychology certainly seems to have become a part of the…