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The EP community

edpsy.org.uk isn’t alone, we’re part of a much wider community that supports EPs. Here are some of the key ones.

If you think there are others we should or could add, let us know!

The Health and Care Professions Council

The HCPC is the regulator of health and care professions in the UK, including practitioner psychologists. The HCPC produce a range of standards that explain what is expected of registrants:

The British Psychological Society (BPS) and Division of Educational and Child Psychology (DECP)

The DECP, part of the British Psychological Society (BPS), aims to promote the professional interests of educational and child psychologists and to develop psychology both as a profession and as a body of knowledge and skills.

The BPS:

Find out more about the DECP.

The Scottish Division of Educational Psychology (SDEP)

The SDEP represents the distinct context of Scotland with its own issues and practice and serves to communicate between practising psychologists in Scotland and The BPS.

Find out more about joining the SDEP.

The Association of Educational Psychologists

The AEP is the trade union and professional association for EPs in the UK.

The AEP:

  • Offers legal and union support as well as professional and employment advice
  • Handles the online application process for EP training courses

Find out more about joining the AEP.

National Association of Principal Educational Psychologists (NAPEP)

NAPEP is a membership organisation open to the most senior qualified and HCPC registered EPs actively managing EP teams, as the main provider of services to local authorities.

NAPEPs terms of reference state the organisation’s purpose as:

NAPEP seeks to support, advise and influence the leadership of educational psychology services and supports the continuing development of our profession in order to achieve the most positive, inclusive outcomes for children, young people and their families.”

International School Psychology Association (ISPA)

ISPA promotes the use of psychology within education contexts around the world. It promotes communication between psychologists who work in schools across the globe.


Find out more about joining ISPA.


EPNET is an online open and public forum for the exchange of ideas and information for those working within the field of educational psychology

Social Media

Over the past few years the EP social media community has really flourished, including:

^ We’re happy to receive suggestions for other community resources, but we won’t advertise businesses on this page.