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Home  >>  Author : Lesley Taylor

Lesley is depute principal educational psychologist for Clackmannanshire Council and is also an Education Fellow of Dr Bruce Perry's ChildTrauma Academy. She has the lead responsibility for implementing the trauma-informed 'Readiness for Learning' (R4L) approach across the authority, as well as a number of projects within the Mental Health and Wellbeing in Clacks transformation project.

Using data to analyse the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of young people

28 February 2023 by

We have written previously about our use of locally-gathered mental health and wellbeing data to support our educational establishments with…

Continuing to use a data & trauma-informed approach to supporting learners in a post-COVID world

1 November 2021 by and , 1 comment

We wrote here last year about the authority-wide mental health and wellbeing survey we had undertaken which allowed us to…

A data-driven, Readiness for Learning approach to supporting learners return to school following COVID-19

21 September 2020 by

These are, as so many have already commented, unprecedented times. Understanding the impact of the past three months on our…