Project: Exploring EPs’ work with children and families with English as an Additional Language

14 August 2023 by

This project aims to explore the scope of EPs’ involvement in working with children, young people and families where English…

Project: KeEPing well – an exploration of well-being for Educational Psychologists

We are mindful of the current pressures that EPs are encountering and, therefore, it is hoped that this research will…

Project: Working with eco-anxiety or climate distress in clinical practice

22 March 2023 by

This project aims to explore how it feels for counsellors, psychotherapists, or practitioner psychologists to experience eco-anxiety or climate distress…

Project: Identifying the core components of school based EP consultation

20 February 2023 by and

This project aims to identify the core components of UK school-based consultation by Educational Psychologists (EPs). In addition, the project…

Project: Compassion fatigue, satisfaction and EP workplace stress

30 January 2023 by

This project looks to understand the influence of compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction, and workplace stress on educational psychologists’ working practices….

Longer read: CBT workbooks: more than just manuals?

22 January 2023 by

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is the most intensively researched mental health intervention. A meta-review identified 494 reviews, representing over 220,000 participants,…

A reflection on choosing a thesis topic

8 December 2022 by

Even before starting the doctorate, I was excited by the prospect of getting to do my own research for my…

Open Journal of Educational Psychology: Giving psychology away

22 November 2022 by

In this blog we introduce the Open Journal of Educational Psychology (OJEP) and talk a little about why you might…

Bringing research evidence to schools

7 November 2022 by

As Educational Psychologists (EPs) we are used to reading and digesting research on an almost daily basis. But my experience…

Project: exploring EPs experiences of occupational stress and implications for practice

30 August 2022 by

The purpose of this research project is to explore occupational stress experiences within the Educational Psychology profession. This research has…