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Articles by Daniel O'Hare

Dan is an educational psychologist and founder of edpsy.org.uk. He has a passion for the power of educational psychology and connecting EPs with each other.

The 6am Book Club

10 September 2023 by

This autumn we’re launching a book review blog series…with a difference! An interactive and community based book club where you…

News: Northern Ireland report highlights the costs of cuts to children and young people

4 July 2023 by

The authors of the report paint a devastating picture of how the cuts will disproportionately impact the most disadvantaged children…

9 reasons to choose edpsy for your service job vacancy adverts

16 May 2023 by , and

There are many EP jobs available right now and we think we provide the best vacancy advertising service in the…

Earth day, The Big One and keeping up momentum

23 April 2023 by , and

This weekend was both Earth Day (Saturday 22nd) and The Big One, a four day action where people from all…

edpsy launches pilot mentoring directory

8 February 2023 by , and

Today we launch the pilot phase of our new mentoring directory. We’ve developed this in response to a community desire…

edpsy mentoring directory pilot: call for mentors

23 January 2023 by

Very shortly we will be launching a trial of a new feature on the site, a mentoring directory. We’d like…

edpsy: looking back at 2022

3 January 2023 by , and

2022 has undoubtedly been our most active year and we wanted to take a look back at some of the…

News: edpsy festival supporting the work of AKT for LGBTQ+ young people

13 October 2022 by

We’re absolutely delighted to have raised £1,200 for AKT from ticket sales to the first Festival of Educational Psychology. One…

Festival of educational psychology: our headliners

27 September 2022 by

On Friday 30th September we host our first ever festival of educational psychology. We have three fantastic headliners at the…

Community through collaboration: edpsy and EP Reachout

22 September 2022 by

We’re excited to strengthen our collaboration with EP Reachout. EP Reach-Out use short, accessible webinars to provide a space to…