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edpsy mentoring directory pilot: call for mentors

Very shortly we will be launching a trial of a new feature on the site, a mentoring directory. We’d like 10 EPs to sign up to the directory and offer mentoring.

The EP mentoring directory and what we’re asking for

We’ve put together some more detailed information about the pilot phase of the directory but broadly, we want to know whether a ‘centralised’ free to access directory of potential EP mentors is something is of use and that we could scale up.

In this pilot phase we are seeking 10 mentors who would be willing to list themselves in the directory and then offer at least 3 mentoring sessions to at least one person, before May 2023.

In this pilot phase we’re only seeking mentors for the directory who can offer mentoring to:

  • Trainee or Qualified EPs who identify as coming from an under-represented and/or marginalised group

During the pilot phase mentors will not be able to offer mentoring to aspiring EPs through the directory. We’ve made this decision to keep things manageable for us and EPs who volunteer to add themselves to the directory at this stage.

Our proposed timeline for piloting the directory

We’ve broadly mapped out the timeline as follows:

  • 24th January – Call for 10 mentors disseminated (this stage)
  • 1st February – Pilot directory pages launched – it will be from this point that potential mentees will be able to contact mentors
  • 13th February – Mentors who have volunteered to be listed on the directory during this pilot phase invited to a zoom meeting at 4.30, with the team of EPs who have developed this approach.
  • 1st May – Pilot of the directory ends. At least three mentoring sessions to at least one person should have been delivered.
  • Beyond 1st May – we will evaluate the pilot to determine if it is worthwhile, viable and sustainable to commit more development time to this project.

The directory is not a managed mentoring scheme

In 2022 a group of 5 EPs approached the edpsy team with a hope of developing a platform where EPs who want to offer mentoring can reach a wider audience, particularly those from under-represented and/or marginalised groups.*

Central to the initial conversations was a clear desire for a voluntary directory where individual mentors could connect directly with individual mentees, as opposed to a managed mentoring scheme or programme. We’ve provided more detailed information about the nature, purpose and limitations of the directory pilot.

You want to offer mentoring during this pilot phase – what next?

You can be added to the mentoring directory during the pilot phase if you:

  • Are a fully qualified and HCPC registered EP
  • Have previous experience of offering mentoring
  • Can commit to mentoring at least one person, for 3 x 1 hour session, to be completed by May
  • Are happy to offer mentoring to TEPs or EPs from under-represented and/or marginalised groups

If all of these apply to you then we ask you follow these steps:

  1. Read more about the mentoring directory pilot
  2. Read and make sure you are happy with the terms of the directory pilot
  3. Complete the Mentor sign up form
  4. Email us a photo of you (a clear, high quality, head and shoulders photo).

* A number of people have been instrumental to establishing the directory and getting it to this pilot stage. Many thanks go to; Anita Soni, Anjam Sultana, Cherelle McDonald, Sasha-Louise King, Siya Mngaza and Dan O’Hare.

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