edpsy hosts: could you deliver a brilliant CPD webinar?
We’re looking to develop our ‘edpsy hosts’ CPD webinar offer. If you can deliver an engaging and informative CPD session,…
We’re looking to develop our ‘edpsy hosts’ CPD webinar offer. If you can deliver an engaging and informative CPD session,…
Educational psychology on tour: The International School Psychology Association annual conference.
In early July 2024, the International School Psychology Association (ISPA) held its 45th annual conference in Riga, Latvia. Over 4 days, delegates from…
In early July 2024, the International School Psychology Association (ISPA) held its 45th annual conference in Riga, Latvia. Over 4 days, delegates from…
Psychology and education podcast spotlight #1
As EPs and allied professionals working in education, we’re always on the lookout for thought-provoking topics to prompt self-reflection and…
As EPs and allied professionals working in education, we’re always on the lookout for thought-provoking topics to prompt self-reflection and…
Global connections: highlights from the American Psychological Association Convention
This August, I had the joy of attending the APA2024 convention for the second time. Set against the stunning backdrop…
This August, I had the joy of attending the APA2024 convention for the second time. Set against the stunning backdrop…
edpsy mentoring directory: a permanent feature and seeking new mentors
After a successful pilot our mentoring directory will be a permanent feature of the site. During our pilot we gathered…
After a successful pilot our mentoring directory will be a permanent feature of the site. During our pilot we gathered…
Calling all PEPs and service leads – subscribe to our dedicated mailing list
Although edpsy has a large mailing list, we recognise that there’s a need to communicate directly with PEPs and service…
Although edpsy has a large mailing list, we recognise that there’s a need to communicate directly with PEPs and service…
Understanding PANS and PANDAS
When a child or young person develops PANS or PANDAS, it can be challenging and isolating. For families, the situation…
When a child or young person develops PANS or PANDAS, it can be challenging and isolating. For families, the situation…
Spreading PositiviTEA in the EP community
PositiviTEA is a free online group for the EP community, which offers space to connect, engage in friendly conversation, and…
PositiviTEA is a free online group for the EP community, which offers space to connect, engage in friendly conversation, and…
Project: exploring barriers to EP practice in mainstream schools
This project aims to investigate the barriers Educational Psychologists (EPs) face in mainstream schools and assess how these barriers impact…
This project aims to investigate the barriers Educational Psychologists (EPs) face in mainstream schools and assess how these barriers impact…
Action planning to support school attendance: using the SPIRAL framework
Currently, we find ourselves in an ‘attendance crisis’ (Children’s commissioner, 2023) with more children than ever feeling unable to attend…
Currently, we find ourselves in an ‘attendance crisis’ (Children’s commissioner, 2023) with more children than ever feeling unable to attend…