edpsy hosts: could you deliver a brilliant CPD webinar?

We’re looking to develop our ‘edpsy hosts’ CPD webinar offer. If you can deliver an engaging and informative CPD session, we’d love to hear from you.
edpsy hosts webinars
We are hoping to expand our webinar offer across 2025, ideally with one webinar per month.
Our webinars are online CPD sessions primarily geared towards an educational psychology audience, while recognising that we have had psychologists from other fields, educationalists and parents/carers join us previously.
We aim for our webinars to be hosted by leaders in their respective fields, and they should offer novel insight in to particular areas of experience for children and families, with strong professional and practice implications.
You do not need to be an educational psychologist to lead a webinar with us, we’re seeking innovative, creative and engaging input from professionals across fields. A key factor is that your work relates to enhancing the lives and experiences of children and families, in the broadest sense.
Previous sessions have included Dr Naomi Fisher discussing what every psychologist should know about elective home education, and Tina & Gillian from PANS PANDAS UK sharing more about these conditions and their impact. Our next ‘edpsy hosts’ is led by Dr Jemma Carter who will discuss using the applied trauma responsive classroom model in supporting education settings.
We are keen to ensure these webinars are as accessible as possible. Ticket prices for attendees are currently set at £30 with discounts for group bookings, and significant discounts for students and trainee psychologists.
This is not a ‘free gig’ for ‘exposure’
All of our webinar leaders are paid. Your time and expertise are valuable.
The particulars
Webinars are usually between 1.5-2 hours and hosted live, on a weekday evening.
When a professional leads a webinar for us, we (edpsy) manage the following:
- Creating the event pages
- Creating all event marketing material
- Marketing of the event across all our platforms and social media channels
- Managing all ticketing processes
- Taking payment
- Communication with all attendees
- Setting up and managing the online platform
- Sharing pre- and/or post-session resources with attendees
- Dr Dan O’Hare ‘compères’ the webinar e.g. monitoring the chat, facilitating discussion, keeping an eye on questions and reflections from attendees
We do this so that all you need to do is turn up, present and engage your audience.
Sounds like something you’re interested in
If you have an idea for a webinar then drop us a line. We can explore your idea further and see if it’s a fit for ‘edpsy hosts’.
What have previous hosts said
Dan was incredibly supportive and encouraging from the outset. From his initial agreement to deliver the training to his proactive and collaborative promotion of the session, he was consistently responsive and helpful at every stage. This was our first time delivering training on PANS and PANDAS specifically for educational psychologists, and we were delighted to welcome over 40 participants. Their thoughtful and reflective feedback has been invaluable. The charity also received prompt payment of £849 for the session. We would highly recommend ‘edpsy hosts’ to anyone considering running a training session.
Tina Coope & Gillian Mathewson, PANS PANDAS UK
edpsy were supportive of my ideas and helped me reach an audience I would not otherwise have been able to talk to
Dr Naomi Fisher, Clinical Psychologist