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SEND Review Green Paper Consultation – questions

The current primary way to respond to the SEND Green Paper Review Consultation is through an online form.

This means that it can be difficult to see all questions, unless you move through the response form. We have collated all the questions here, and hope that this aids thinking, structure and reflection when responding to the consultation.

We have also created a freely accessible Google Doc for you to download and use, to write responses and then copy/paste in to the SEND Review Online form. This will also help you track your word count.

Please remember as you look to respond to each question that the online form restricts most answers ‘up to 250 words’.

Chapter 2 questions: a single national SEND and alternative provision system

1. What key factors should be considered, when developing national standards to ensure they deliver improved outcomes and experiences for children and young people with SEND and their families? This includes how this applies across education, health and care in a 0-25 system.

(Please refer to Chapter 2, paragraphs 4-6 for further details).

2. How should we develop the proposal for new local SEND partnerships to oversee the effective development of local inclusion plans whilst avoiding placing unnecessary burdens or duplicating current partnerships?

(Please refer to Chapter 2: paragraphs 6-12 for further details). 

3. What factors would enable local authorities to successfully commission provision for low-incidence high-cost need, and further education, across local authority boundaries?

(Please refer to chapter 2: paragraph 10 for further details). 

4. What components of the EHCP should we consider reviewing or amending as we move to a standardised and digitised version?

(Please refer to chapter 2 paragraphs 15 – 23 for further details). 

5. How can parents and local authorities most effectively work together to produce a tailored list of placements that is appropriate for their child, and gives parents confidence in the EHCP process?

(Please refer to chapter 2: paragraphs 24-28 for further details). 

6. To what extent do you agree or disagree with our overall approach to strengthen redress, including through national standards and mandatory mediation?

(Please refer to chapter 2 paragraphs 29-32 for further details).

7. Do you consider the current remedies available to the SEND Tribunal for disabled children who have been discriminated against by schools effective in putting children and young people’s education back on track? Please give a reason for your answer with examples, if possible.

Chapter 3 questions: excellent provision from early years to adulthood

8. What steps should be taken to strengthen early years practice with regard to conducting the two-year-old progress check and integration with the Healthy Child Programme review?

(Please refer to chapter 3: paragraphs 3-5 for further details)

9. To what extent do you agree or disagree that we should introduce a new mandatory SENCo NPQ to replace the NASENCo?

10. To what extent do you agree or disagree that we should strengthen the mandatory SENCo training requirement by requiring that headteachers must be satisfied that the SENCo is in the process of obtaining the relevant qualification when taking on the role?

(please refer to chapter 3: paragraphs 21-24 for further details).

11. To what extent do you agree or disagree that both specialist and mixed MATs should be allowed to coexist in the fully trust-led future? This would allow current local authority maintained special schools and alternative provision settings to join either type of MAT.

(please refer to chapter 3: paragraphs 39-40 for further details).

12. What more can be done by employers, providers and government to ensure that those young people with SEND can access, participate in and be supported to achieve an apprenticeship, including through access routes like Traineeships?

(please refer to chapter 3: paragraphs 44 – 51 for further details).

Chapter 4 questions: a reformed and integrated role for alternative provision

13. To what extent do you agree or disagree that this new vision for alternative provision will result in improved outcomes for children and young people?

(please refer to chapter 4: paragraphs 8 – 11 for further details).

14. What needs to be in place in order to distribute existing funding more effectively to alternative provision schools, to ensure they have the financial stability required to deliver our vision for more early intervention and re-integration?

(please refer to chapter 4: paragraphs 12 – 15 for further details). 

15. To what extent do you agree or disagree that introducing a bespoke alternative provision performance framework, based on these 5 outcomes, will improve the quality of alternative provision?

(please refer to chapter 4: paragraphs 12 – 15 for further details)

16. To what extent do you agree or disagree that a statutory framework for pupil movements will improve oversight and transparency of placements into and out of alternative provision?

(please refer to chapter 4: paragraphs 22 – 26 for further details).

Chapter 5 questions: System roles, accountabilities and funding reform

17. What are the key metrics we should capture and use to measure local and national performance? Please explain why you have selected these.

(please refer to chapter 5: paragraph 14 – 20 for further details).

18. How can we best develop a national framework for funding bands and tariffs to achieve our objectives and mitigate unintended consequences and risks?

(please refer to chapter 5: parapgraph 27- 32 for further details).

Chapter 6 questions: Delivering change for children and families

19. How can the National SEND Delivery Board work most effectively with local partnerships to ensure the proposals are implemented successfully?’

(please refer to chapter 6: paragraph 6 – 7 for further details).

20. What will make the biggest difference to successful implementation of these proposals? What do you see as the barriers to and enablers of success?

(please refer to chapter 6: paragraphs 8 – 14 for further details).

21. What support do local systems and delivery partners need to successfully transition and deliver the new national system?

(please refer to chapter 6: paragraphs 8 – 14 for further details).

22. Is there anything else you would like to say about the proposals in the green paper?

See the SEND Review: right support, right place, right time

See our Google Doc with all the questions (downloadable and then editabled)

Respond to the online consultation – closes at 11.45pm on 1st July

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