Longer read: CBT workbooks: more than just manuals?

22 January 2023 by

Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is the most intensively researched mental health intervention. A meta-review identified 494 reviews, representing over 220,000 participants,…

Creating a trauma sensitive classroom

16 January 2023 by , 1 comment

Over the last 2.5 years I have held a specialist role in my Local Authority which centred upon supporting and…

A reflection on choosing a thesis topic

8 December 2022 by

Even before starting the doctorate, I was excited by the prospect of getting to do my own research for my…

Launch of free training: Motivational Interviewing – implementation in organisations

5 December 2022 by , 2 comments

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a person-centred communication style, which can be a central pillar of effective EP casework and consultation….

Newly qualified EPs: 10 tips from the #twittereps community

1 September 2022 by

As I write this it has been a whole year since I braced myself to start work as a newly…

The Power Threat Meaning Framework: interest group for EPs and education professionals

24 March 2022 by

Aims, vision and purpose The aim of this group is to come together as educational professionals to explore ways in…

Supporting new initiatives in the EP community

10 January 2022 by

‘Community’ is one of our core values and we want to try to live these values by offering a reflective…